2015, July 26-August 1
Zagora, Tsagarada, Kissos


2015, July 26-August 1
Zagora, Tsagarada, Kissos

Now in its 16th year, the Pelion Festival will basically include courses in Zagora, as well as, concerts around Εast Pelion, in Tsagarada and Kissos, that will be taking place from the 25th of July until the 1st of August 2015.

After the success of last year’s Violoncello Festival, we will not only continue with this, but we have established the violoncello as the main musical instrument of the festival.

We have a great many eminent teachers who will be tutoring in specialized classes from Greece and abroad. With great pleasure, we will be hosting Prof. Ulrich Voss, an distinguished music teacher from Germany, who will honour us with his presence for the 5th year running. We are also happy to announce that Dr. Russi Dragnev, who has been teaching at the Festival for almost a decade, will be joining us again. Violoncelo courses will be conducted by renowned cellists : Angelos Liakakis from Athens, Vasilis Saïtis from Thessaloniki and our dear friend Themistocles Vagenas from Volos. All of whom have been taking part and collaborating in the Pelion Festival since 2014 . Students who will attend tutorials given by the above mentioned teachers will have the opportunity to be a member of the ‘’Pelion Festival Violoncelo Ensemble’’, directed by Prof. Ulrich Voss.

We are pleased to announce our very first cooperation with Dimitris Karakantas from Vienna, who will conduct violin courses, and Apollon Grammaticopoulos from Athens, professor of the Festival since 2014.

For the third year on, soprano Sofia Kyanidou from Vienna will run courses in voice and melodrama, and an old friend of ours, the flutist Prof. Ana Domancic Krstulovic from Split-Croatia will join us with courses in flute. Finally, Zoe Samsarelou, artistic director of the festival, will be giving piano courses.

Furthermore, we welcome to the festival the violin professor Irina Dragneva, who taught on our courses from the very beginning until 2007 and is now coming back with her string ensemble "Rotonda", which is under the auspices of the State Conservatory of Thessaloniki. The members of Rotonda will have daily rehearsals and concerts. These rehearsals will be the only ones to start on the 25th of July, since a concert has already been programmed for the 28th of July in the Byzantine church of Agia Marina in Kissos.

Lastly, another unique event is the concert by the string quartet ‘’Fauves’’ which will be held in cooperation with the municipality of Zagora-Muresi, and featuring the composer Carmine-Emanuele Cella This concert is a part of a European project under the title ‘’Playing the Monumental Trees of Europe’’, during which, the quartet ‘’Fauves’’ will put on a music performance under five monumental European trees, interacting with them as well, through the use of a special microphone and with the use of specialized technology, able to produce ‘’music’’ that comes from the trees’ sounds. In Greece, the quartet members chose the famous and magnificent Plane tree, which lies in Agia Paraskevi square in Tsagarada, a thousand years old. In addition, we would like to express our graditude to all the businesses and professionals of the area who collaborate with us and show a great sensitivity towards our culture and its development in the area. We wish to all the members of the festival, the participants and the professors as well as our audience an exquisite and creative summer.

Zoe Samsarelou
Dimitris Karagiannakidis,
Artistic Directors

source: https://www.pelionfestival.gr/en.html